Agad Bhavatu

by Vivasvat Rastogi | Shashvat Rastogi

Health & Fitness


Fatty liver disease (FLD) in children, a rapidly growing public health problem, is directly related to obesity. These children are predisposed to hypertension, diabetes, deranged lipid profile, can lead to multi-organ involvement, may die earlier or require liver transplantation. Lifestyle (Lack of physical activity) & diet play the most significant role in predisposition, and weight loss is the only established treatment. To understand the problem, study and survey, with questionnaire on physical activity and diet, was conducted in dedicated liver hospital of Delhi. Sedentary lifestyle and Fast-foods, frequent eating out, fried foods, beverages, over-eating, predispose to obesity and FLD. Such children overindulge in indoor activities such as video games, watching television for long hours, surfing internet, mobile and computer games, either by choice or under circumstances such as covid pandemic which has led to further decline in physical activity. This need of the hour of remaining fit, cannot simply be addressed by advising and spreading awareness; incentives need to be provided so that such obese children indulge in fitness enhancement activities. Our app takes care of all the aforementioned things and provides the children users with an all-in-one fitness solution.Our proposed solution, ‘Agad Bhavatu’, a multi-dimensional user-friendly mobile app may serve a lot of functions (details shown in presentation PDF.) When the children create their accounts at Agad Bhavatu, they become a part of our community and are directed to the app home page. These children start their account of ‘Agad Bhavatu coins’ which will be used by the organisations (schools and sports complexes) to give grades. The app has 4 dimensions: Videos, Sports Clubs, Health Metrics and suggestions, and a forum page. The videos aim to increase awareness through short movies & narration of stories from similar affected children. Each video will earn the student 5 points.The sports clubs are digital spaces, where activities will be posted and students get the specific number of points based on participation. Logged-in organisations will create clubs, post activities, and keep record of enrolled children. Children will then enrol in specific classes using unique IDs, and will get a list of activities posted by the organisation as notifications (e.g. Marathon worth 20 points comping up).The health page will include 3 components: do’s and don’ts, dietary suggestions, and steps counter/calories based on which points will be given (e.g. +1 point for 10,000 steps a day). In-App purchases will be added in the future to unlock more such health metrics.The forum page will be a space for communication among the app users (students, counsellors), be it Q&A or FAQ’s. Creators: Vivasvat Rastogi, Shashvat Rastogi, Dr. Archana Rastogi